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Forgiveness The Key to Being Free


FORGIVE yourself... FORGIVE others... LET LOVE WIN!!! The magnificent and miraculous works of Jesus life, death, shed blood, and resurrection HAS PROVIDED EVERYTHING you need to START FRESH (be born-again AND/OR rededicate as is befitting sometimes). Satan wants you to be bound, debilitated, stagnant, and ultimately DEAD. Dead to your purpose and to the promises God has provisioned for you in the NEW BIRTH: redemption through Jesus Christ. No matter what happened to you OR what you've done (read it again) REPENT TODAY (get up/ change direction) and be set free from the deathly "quicksands" of guilt, shame, isolation, berating thoughts, self-punishment, and dead place that you've sat in long enough. #RISEUP #BEhealed #BEfree #BEnew #STARTover in the name of Jesus!!! And THIS TIME ask God for His help, His wisdom, and support, and don't ever stop asking. He is there, He wants you and wants to help you, and He loves you more than you'll ever be able to conceptualize. VOW not to go at it alone again, not to disregard HIS love and support that's earmarked JUST FOR YOU!!! #HealreadyKNEWwhatYOUdneed #RECEIVEit #CHERISHit #LOVEandWORSHIPHIM

God's SONG of love TO YOU: God's WORD of love TO YOU: Jeremiah 31:3 (AMP) "The Lord appeared to me (Israel) from ages past, saying, “I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you and continued [AND WILL CONTINUE] My faithfulness to you."

Forgive and be forgiven...




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